Wednesday 8 October 2008

Picturesque image of a cabin in the snow. Even though there is very little snow in december in this country, it is still associated with december. Having thought about the various months of the year i have to choose from, i've decided to go with december, april and september. December should be a straight forward month to depict. things such as snow, reindeer, snowmen, christmas trees, santa, nativity sets are all related to december. April is clearly related to spring and fresh flowers/blossom. Also Easter is a well known celebration in april. so images of bunnies and eggs would simbolise april well. September will prove a little more difficult. Freshers week at university will bear some relevance. So far on internet searches the most common images coming up during searches are related to 9/11 twin towers. I feel it would be wrong to use this for the scene. so more research is required.

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