Wednesday 3 December 2008

Sony Headphones
These are render's of a set of head phones i actually created for another module. however i though i would include them as part of my solid modelling content as they are relevant. The muffs were doughnut shapes that i rippled using soft selection. The lettering was acheived using text. The sides of the headphone were made using extruded circles and beveling the polygons at the sides to smooth it out.
The metal textures were created using a grey coloured phong base and a raytrace added to give the high reflection. The muffs were an anostrophic high gloss, black base. with a smoke map added as a bump, this gives the shiny/leathery appearance. overall i'm reasonably happy with the result.
I also rendered a copy of the same view with a forced wireframe on. to get the wire to show more clearly i changed the colour of the entire opject to 100% self illumination and a blue tint. This gave more clear results. In photoshop i overlayed the two renders to give the result in the picture at the top. This is an advertising idea for the phrase 'structurally sound'. i feel the image is a good play on words.


Robert C. said...

nicely done Adam :)

3DriettiaAR said...

thanks Rob. used them for my creative methodology branding project in the end. i'll add a couple of posts showing those too later.