Tuesday 3 February 2009

BBC4 Idents
The task we have been set for this semester is to create an ident for one of the mainstream TV broadcasting companies. The first stage of this is to research past and current idents used by the companies.
The first company i researched was BBC4. Following this link will show you their page with current tv ident movies displayed. http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcfour/idents/lake/. BBC4 have a distinctive/memorable layout to their idents. Fairly short films are made using pleasant scenes. with a very distinctive 'four' screen layout. four movies one in each corner of the screen merge together to create one moving image. the crisp edge to each screen can still be noticed how wever.
If i were to create an ident for BBC4 i would need to take into account this style and adopt it in the moving image created.

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